Automation is a key aspect of modern computing, allowing us to streamline repetitive tasks, increase efficiency, and reduce human error. Windows is one of the most widely used operating systems, and automating tasks on this platform can save a significant amount of time and effort. In this blog post, we’ll explore how you can use Nim, a powerful and efficient programming language, to automate various tasks on Windows. We’ll provide code examples to help you get started with Windows automation using Nim.

Why Nim?

Nim is a statically-typed, compiled programming language known for its speed, efficiency, and ease of use. It offers a high-level, Python-like syntax while compiling to highly optimized machine code, making it an excellent choice for automation tasks on Windows. Additionally, Nim provides excellent interoperability with the Windows API, allowing you to access and control various Windows features seamlessly.

Getting Started

Before we dive into the code examples, you’ll need to set up your development environment for Nim on Windows:

  1. Install Nim: Download and install Nim from the official website ( Follow the installation instructions to set up Nim on your system.
  2. Install Nimble: Nimble is Nim’s package manager, and it’s essential for managing dependencies. You can install Nimble using Nim’s package manager itself with the following command
  1. nimble install nimble
  2. IDE or Text Editor: Choose your favorite text editor or integrated development environment (IDE) for writing Nim code. Popular choices include Visual Studio Code with the Nim extension, Nim’s official IDE called Nimble, or simply using a text editor like Notepad++.

Code Example 1: Automating File Operations

Let’s start with a simple example of automating file operations on Windows using Nim. In this example, we’ll create a Nim script to copy files from one folder to another.

import os

proc copyFiles(sourceDir: string, destinationDir: string) =
  let sourceFiles = walkFiles(sourceDir)
  for file in sourceFiles:
    let destFile = joinPath(destinationDir, splitFile(file).filename)
    copyFile(file, destFile)

# Usage
let sourceDirectory = "C:\\SourceFolder"
let destinationDirectory = "C:\\DestinationFolder"

copyFiles(sourceDirectory, destinationDirectory)

This Nim script imports the os module, defines a copyFiles procedure to copy files from a source directory to a destination directory, and then demonstrates how to use it. Replace sourceDirectory and destinationDirectory with the paths of your source and destination folders.

Code Example 2: GUI Automation with AutoIt and Nim

For automating graphical user interface (GUI) interactions on Windows, we can leverage the popular automation tool AutoIt along with Nim. First, make sure you have AutoIt installed on your system (

Here’s a Nim script that uses AutoIt to automate interactions with a Windows Calculator application:

import osproc

proc runCalculator() =

proc automateCalculator() =
  sleep(1000)  # Wait for Calculator to open (adjust as needed)
  let hwnd = findWindow("Calculator")
  if hwnd != 0:
    controlClick(hwnd, "Button1")  # Click on the "1" button
    controlClick(hwnd, "ButtonPlus")  # Click on the "+" button
    controlClick(hwnd, "Button2")  # Click on the "2" button
    controlClick(hwnd, "ButtonEquals")  # Click on the "=" button

# Usage

This script runs the Calculator application, waits for it to open, and then automates a simple calculation. You can modify it to automate interactions with other GUI applications by inspecting their window and control names using tools like AutoIt’s Window Info tool.

Code Example 3: Web Scraping with Nim

Web scraping is a common automation task, and you can use Nim to scrape data from websites. Here’s an example of how to scrape the titles of articles from a webpage using Nim and the httpbeast library:

import httpbeast

proc scrapeWebsite(url: string) =
  let response = getUrl(url)
  if response.code == 200:
    let content = response.body
    for match in reMatches("<h2>(.*?)</h2>", content):
      let title =

# Usage
let targetURL = ""

In this example, we import the httpbeast library to make HTTP requests and use regular expressions to extract article titles from an HTML page. Replace targetURL with the URL of the website you want to scrape.


Nim is a versatile and efficient programming language that can be used for automating various tasks on the Windows platform. With its ability to interface with the Windows API, automate GUI interactions with tools like AutoIt, and perform web scraping, you have a wide range of options for automating tasks on Windows. These code examples provide a starting point for your Windows automation journey with Nim, but there are countless possibilities to explore. Happy coding!

By Tech Thompson

Tech Thompson is a software blogger and developer with over 10 years of experience in the tech industry. He has worked on a wide range of software projects for Fortune 500 companies and startups alike, and has gained a reputation as a leading expert in software development and design.

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