Welcome to this tutorial on how to setup and use Apache Solr for document indexing and search. Solr is a powerful, open-source search engine that is widely used for indexing and searching large volumes of data. In this tutorial, we will learn how to install and configure Solr, how to index documents in Solr, and how to perform searches using Solr’s powerful query language.

Setting up Solr

To get started, you will need to download and install Solr on your machine. You can download the latest version of Solr from the Apache Solr website. Once you have downloaded the Solr distribution, extract it to a directory on your machine and navigate to the example directory.

To start Solr, run the following command:

bin/solr start

This will start the Solr server and print the server’s logs to the console. You can stop the server by pressing CTRL+C.

To create a new Solr core, run the following command:

bin/solr create -c <core_name>

This will create a new Solr core with the specified name. You can create multiple cores if you need to index and search different types of documents separately.

Indexing documents

To index a document in Solr, you will need to send a POST request to the /update endpoint of your Solr core with the document data. You can use the curl command to send the request, like this:

curl "http://localhost:8983/solr/<core_name>/update" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '[{"id": "doc1", "title": "My Document", "text": "This is the text of my document."}]'

This will index a document with the ID “doc1”, a title of “My Document”, and a text field containing the text “This is the text of my document.” You can add more fields to the document by including them in the JSON object.

Searching documents

To search for documents in Solr, you will need to send a GET request to the /select endpoint of your Solr core with a query parameter. You can use the curl command to send the request, like this:

curl "http://localhost:8983/solr/<core_name>/select?q=title:My%20Document"

This will search for all documents in the specified Solr core with a title field containing the term “My Document”. The query parameter is passed in the q parameter of the request.

Solr’s query language is very powerful and allows you to specify complex search criteria. For example, you can use boolean operators, wildcards, and range queries to fine-tune your search. You can also specify which fields to search, how to sort the results, and which results to return.

Here is an example of a more complex search query:

curl "http://localhost:8983/solr/<core_name>/select?q=title:My%20Document%20AND%20text:hello&fl=id,title&sort=title%20asc&rows=10"

This query searches for all documents in the specified Solr core with a title field containing the term “My Document” and a text field containing the term “hello”. It returns only the id and title fields of the matching documents, sorted by the title field in ascending order, and returns a maximum of 10 results.


In this tutorial, we learned how to setup and use Solr for document indexing and search. We learned how to install and configure Solr, how to index documents in Solr, and how to perform searches using Solr’s powerful query language. I hope you found this tutorial helpful and are now ready to start using Solr for your own projects.

By Tech Thompson

Tech Thompson is a software blogger and developer with over 10 years of experience in the tech industry. He has worked on a wide range of software projects for Fortune 500 companies and startups alike, and has gained a reputation as a leading expert in software development and design.

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